Monday, September 13, 2010

I am a blogger!

I have been following other's blogs for a few years now and have finally made the plunge of having my own.  This new adventure was inspired by my mother-in-law.  Here is the story.

While I was pregnant with our first little girl, Havah Joy,  I sent out what I affectionately called our "Baby Updates".  These weekly updates were nothing more than my attempts to keep all family members (and there were a bunch)  up to date with what was taking place in the womb and in our lives.  I would send out weekly updates with approximate length, weight and other fun facts involving our bun in the oven.  I finally noticed that I was looking forward to these weekly updates peppered with humorous comments and random thoughts.  Little did I know, my family was also expecting the updates.  Once they had actually become somewhat hostile because I had missed a week.  Let's just say I did not miss another week.

So here we are...4 1/2 months after the birth of our little lady and once again I am looking for an outlet to express my ideas, emotions, random comments and maybe, on occasion, a deep thought or two.  As a special treat, my husband may chose to chime in once in a while as he is my sounding board, source of laughter and best friend.  Please bare with me as we venture through this blogging world together....I'm a newby.

1 comment:

  1. Yea! I'm your first follower:) Welcome to the world of blogging! It'll be fun to keep up with you here.
